
OneNote Screen Clippings Win + S not working in Windows 8.1

david2kim 2014. 10. 29. 16:57

OneNote를 사용하면서 Windows + S 단축키를 이용해서 화면 캡처(Screen Clipping)를 용이하게 사용해왔는데,


Windows 8에서는 OS의 단축키와 충돌이 나서 사용을 할 수 없다.


하여, 방법을 찾아보니 OneNote의 화면캡처 단축키를 Registry에서 변경하여 문제를 해결할 수 있다고 한다.



Microsoft Office 2013 productivity suite allows you to use Windows + S shortcut for screen clipping in OneNote. The combination keys clip note on the screen progressively. However, if your tablet or computer has upgraded to Windows 8.1, the app Hotkeys just stop working.

Windows 8.1 use Windows + S keyboard shortcut to bring up the Charm bar, so it break down the same hotkeys that is configured for OneNote 2013. You could try the following workaround to resolve the problem by creating a new screenshot shortcut.


* Press Windows + R, type regedit, and click on OK button.

* On the left side of Registry Editor, navigate down to the location:



HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\OneNote\Options\Other (15.0 이 없다고 고민하지 마시길~)



For Office 2010, use 14.0 to replace 15.0 above.

* In the right pane, right-click the blank space, select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
* In the pop-up dialog, type ScreenClippingShortcutKey for the Value name.
* Double-click on the ScreenClippingShortcutKey, and change the Value date from 0 to the below number:

   41: you will use Windows Key + A as Screen Clipping Shortcut. (Recommend ^^)
: Windows + B
   57: Win + W

* Click OK to save and reboot your machine.
Note: the Windows + Shift + S will fix the issues later.



Reference : http://www.surfacetablethelp.com/2013/09/onenote-screen-clippings-win-s-not-working-in-windows-8-1.html